Originally Posted by mprachar
Yeah - very weird. I ran the upload .exe and it would just do nothing. I reset phone, rebooted etc. Spent 45 mins chasing connectivity stuff and then tried another .nbh file and all was good. Re-downloaded around 8PM PST last night just in case - same issue. I am downloading again now but I don't think the file has changed.
Side question, if the dialer has a slider in it, is that an absolute confirmation that I have the "old" 2/16 build? (Yes, I know how to fix it - just curious...)
I only flash from SD. I DL, extract with pocketrar, and then flash away all from device. If you haven't tried that ...YOU SHOULD...IMO. Check it if ya haven't... HERE:
Jep. Old=Slider, New=No Slider
Wanna know how to fix the old the EASIEST way......lol.....j/k...dead horse, I know.