Originally Posted by fluidj
I think I have the same issue. I'm also seeing duplicates. For example, i have multiple Opera icons, two Settings icons, and several other duplicates.
This build Works Perfectly, weather is updating from My Location without issues and the latest build runs so smooth it feels like im running the original 2.0 build that came on unit.
But I do have one question about text messages, is it by design that my text messages do not show in the windows default tmail application when opened, it shows all my email accounts but not my text messages. Not a major but was wondering..
I noticed only a double settings icon on my unit but one goes to the regular start menu setting menu and the other jumps to Sense setting tab... I learned the best way not to have any programs icons, I installed them after I get Sense up and running first... After reset I jump straight into installing Sense 2.5
Also anyone experiencing issues with start menu not showing when start button is press just install Sense Fix 2.5 cab and this will resolve this and start menu will work as designed.