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Old 02-17-2010, 01:49 AM
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Re: How do you like the TP2 after couple months?

Bought from Sprint since Dec 2009, base entirely on specs I see because before I only have used phone with dialing function and know nothing about multifunction advance phones. Figured that good specs will allow me to do a lot. I love it so far, two big reasons are tethering/wifi router through use of custom rom and remote desktop. Dislikes the phone/HTC's dialing interface though, very easy to accidentally dial a number.

I know this thing has its limitation being an open source user myself (hope to run fully functional Android on it one day). Only thing I want more is faster and a higher resolution screen. Although I'm not sure how soon will that happen. I am not planning to upgrade phone until one with higher res than current 800x480. I would expect 960x576 as the next step up, probably not 1024x640 which is netbook territory. Another thing is I will only upgrade to one with a dedicated gpu, but that seems to be the trend now with expensive phones.

PS. I was very careful with the phone and I didn't find out the screen can tilt until 3 weeks into owning it, so an extra bonus.

Last edited by eksasol; 02-17-2010 at 01:56 AM.
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