Originally Posted by mmcneil
Thanks for the response. What I mean is, some of the Manila 1921 packages are in the OEM folder of TMartins kitchen and their status, true/false, cannot be changed from within the Visual Kitchen gui. You have to edit the packages.txt file to change it. I guess what I'd like to know is whether the new Manila packages will overwrite the old ones. Let me know when you get a minute.
Oh OK. You mean the OEM packages. Correct?
They should over write them but you can always compare them with your new files and just backup and remove the old ones from the kitchen.
That will help keep the kitchen lean and clean.
Sometimes when you have EXT files and the same files in OEM the kitchen can crash.
Usually the EXT files will be newer and match the files you are cooking with anyways. Back them all up to be sure.