Originally Posted by fwaits
Keep in mind this is a SERIES. I expect that this version is the "mainstream" version and that another "more business" oriented version will present itself based off the same platform. It was mentioned in fact in one of the video demos by the dev.
I don't think so.
SERIES is no doubt marketing lingo used to capitalize on the GREAT REVIEWS for WINDOWS 7 (for PC) since it's launch. And it's record-breaking sales.
Lucky 7.
Windows 7 is a SMASHING SUCCESS... now you build on that with "windows phone"
7 Series as in Windows 7.... Windows Phone 7
Don't expect a "zune 7 series", "business 7 series", "pink 7 series". You all hear Steve Ballmer & co. explain how PHONES are BUSINESS & SOCIAL/PERSONAL all the time. there is no separating personal from business. People aren't gonna be carrying two phones/devices anymore.
A big reason why WinMobile marketshare DROPPED so heavily (really) since iPhone is really due to expanded market and the fact that BUSINESS/corporate is niche... 86% or so of smartphones are sold in RETAIL now. Business exclusive use of "smartphones" is a minority. So unless WinMobile was looking like WP7 2 years ago it's demise was inevitable due to soccer moms & the like buying cute smartphones in shopping malls.
Thankfully Microsoft CLEARLY realizes this (even if many editors dont yet)