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Old 02-16-2010, 11:10 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by coolguy949 View Post
Now that WP7S has been announced, I don't feel the urgency to get a TP2 as much. It's such a hassle, it might not be worth it to me anymore. My TP has so many issues - as far as overheating, freezing, reboots, etc - it's maddening. However, trying to get it rectified is even more maddening sometimes. I feel like I need an audio disc to recite the same spiel over and over again to Sprint reps. Handing a disc to them and saying "listen to this" would be so nice.

But I think I can tolerate the TP until the new release. However, if the opportunity for a TP2 does present itself, what the heck right?
that is some funny stuff. i had to laugh because i feel the same way. i have just about given up myself. i might go into one more store but it will be my last try till they come up with a replacement for the tp2. the store that gave me my tp last year to replace my mogul. i was pissed today though because i was trying to make a last second bid on my touch pro for an ebay item and it had to start freezing up and lagging.i went into one of the coorp. stores and asked to speak directly to a supervisor. he was an anal man that told me i had to go into a repair center because they can't just give out free phones unless an actual tech can verify the problem. the other store i have done replacements in just look at it while i am telling them what the problem is and start typing on the computer ordering my replacement.
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