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Old 02-16-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Is innocase surface worth the money?

First off, the obligatory search-first-because-this-has-been-asked-a-million-times.

With that out of the way, in my opinion it is well worth the money. It fits much better than the super cheap ones you can find on eBay that are in the $5-10 range. A lot of people like the Body Glove one which you can find a bit cheaper than the Seidio case. I got mine on eBay for $15 a couple months back.

But I personally like the Seidio more than the Body Glove because the Body Glove one is just too bulky.

If you're looking for a deal on the Seidio, consider buying at Amazon. I got mine there and it is excellent. Amazon sells them directly for $22.46 plus free shipping if you spend over $25. I found a pen I needed using which brought my total over $25 so I got free shipping. I believe this is the best deal for the Seidio you'll be able to find.
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