Originally Posted by chrialex
Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> WiFi Settings -> Add WiFi Network. Enter the name (SSID) of the wireless point you are trying to access, the encryption type it uses (if any) and the password (if encrypted). In the WiFi Settings page, there might be some listed in the WiFi Networks section, between Network Notification and Add WiFi Network. If you see your access point listed, click on it and go from there. Like Makkonen said though, you might have to change some of the settings on your access point to allow connections, or whatnot. Let us know if any of this helps.
What do you mean if I see my Access Point Listed? I added the same network as it found, so there's two of the same networks.
I clicked the Network that it's already connected to and here are the details:
Status: Connected
Speen: 54 Mbs
Signal Strength: Fair
Security: Open
IP Address:
It seems to be connected..it just won't load any web pages or market.