Originally Posted by havox22
man i dont know why it took this long to try your rom, but u did a really wonderful job on it...anyway I changed the tsk & i lost the mr x rom background for my start menu, where is this pic located so i can re-enable it?
Its called
classicblue_stwater_480_800.jpg in windows
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
this thread is so odd for a rom thread, theres no pissing & moaning about the rom or between members and no list of buggs ect but i look at other threads and theres atleast one of those going on. its like its a tweaks and theams thread with a rom on first page. props to juggs first and also to the members posting without being a-holes and helping each other. +1 for all of us. (even steve)
Well said, but understand i have a classy bunch on my rom and they are better then bickering amongst eachother.
And if they did they would be ejected i do not tolerate garbage in my rom threads, you are free to chat, banter amongs your selves about what ever you like in here I'm cool with that. Just respect me by respecting one and other that's all i ask. If you disrespect eachother i that's disrespecting me and i will not tolerate this.