Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)
I tried it out, and it is very cool. This is the first time I have been able to really play around with Android and I do like it a LOT.
I tried calling voicemail and then launching Android, but when I called someone they couldn't hear me still.
Second, and most problematic, none of the buttons worked except the call button. When I called voicemail from Android I couldn't hang up. I couldn't access the menu by pressing the top left button, and I couldn't hit the back button to return anywhere. For instance, in calendar, when I drilled down to a day, I was pretty much stuck there. I could press the power button to return to the desktop though.
All in all, a very promising development, and I have HIGH hopes that one day I can flash a full ROM with only Android to my TP.