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Old 02-16-2010, 02:38 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
I have used the tsowen taskbar from MightyRoms posted taskbar 6.5 cab successfully and ive also used about 4 or 5 taskbars from djcleo. just google djcleo windows mobile 6.5 taskbars.and i also use the %1 battery driver from the MightyRom thread/post as well.and ive never had any trouble running any of these taskbars on any WM 6.5 with sense 2.5 roms. but it can only be the 6.5 roms and never the 6.5.X roms.Mighty also has a cab u can download thats supposed to make the taskbars function properly.but ive never had to use it. right now im using decks 21890 R7 or R8 rom.the rom right before this release,and anyway ive used those taskbars on many different 6.5 roms with no problems and im currently using djcleo WM HTC icon custom taskbar with the %1 battry driver now and it looks and works great.doesnt slow nething fuctions as good as or better than the stock all white plain,ugly taskbar.not to mention that i also use Maxmanilla 3.0,custom transparent top curtain,transparent bottom slider,custom mettallic blue slider icons,transparent clock,and custom Maxmanilla icons.and stiil very fast and stable.great rom.downloading the todays R3 rom now.cant wait to flash it.

Did you need to install sdkcerts before you installed the djcleo taskbar?
Thanks for the help.