Originally Posted by microdot
Thanks again. Although it is so tempting to go a custom rom because i am already addicted to customizing and obsessed with my phone i am way to scared. With my luck i will end up bricking my phone. I just read that horror post on the main page. Maybe one day
I understand you concern as I was the same way originally. However, if you follow the instructions on unlocking the phone and flashing the ROMs, it is really nearly impossible to "brick" your phone. I think a lot of people jump to the conclusion that they "bricked" the phone not realizing that there are many ways to get the phone back to a position where you can re-flash it. Don't get me wrong as I am not trying to push you that route. I just want to let you know that it is not as "dangerous" as it may seem. I understand whichever route you decide on. Keep in mind that you should still be able to change to a custom slider if you download one of brent372's sliders. It should work on the stock ROM.