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Old 02-15-2010, 11:50 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by JokeZony0u View Post
WM7 won't be happenin on our devices. I believe there's a spec limitation to WM7 phones, but I'm guessing someone's gonna make something really similar to it...and knowing HTC, they'll find some sort of new way to cover that up too- they can't let Sense UI die out after all the hard work they put into it (but of course they can just concentrate on putting that in Android)
Well not officially, but hardware limitations never stopped anyone before....I wouldn't be surprised if they even get it working on the vogue like everything