Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Sorry to sound like an idiot, but I'm not sure what the calendar looked like before I ran the cab, to be honest with you. I'll grab a couple others and see what works. Also, should the clock arrays work with this version of 2.5? I d/l'd some from XDA and lost all the quick links and ended up having to HR to get them back.
Edit: Santod, let's just chalk this one up to a new 2.5 user, ok? We'll keep it between you and I.... Your cabs work great, I guess the cab I grabbed (from another thread but I thought was from here) has a name that implied one thing but did another. Your cabs worked great, now to just stop tweaking this damn phone and leave it alone for a bit. thanks for the quick response and for all the mods you've got out here, they're incredible!
had to slap a thanks on you for the edit to your post!!  the part where you said "we'll keep this between you and me...." funny as hell bro!!!