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Old 02-15-2010, 12:37 PM
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Re: Stock rom links for cdma Touch PRO

Originally Posted by Sulaiman View Post
hi, folks!

i have a verizon wireless htc touch pro but it's been reprogramed to be used in a different network. at the moment i live in central asia. and... i would like to change the original verizon ROM cuz i am NOT satisfied with how it's functioning: lots of bugs, too slow etc.

are there any ideas about this situation?

p.s. here're some ROM details: version 1.03.605.4; date: 10/01/08
if you have working data and mms then i would write down those settings and then unlock your phone if it hasn't been done already, then flash to any of the cdma tp custom roms here The verizon tp has little memory compared to all other tp's, so be sure to lower the pagepool of the rom to around 8 prior to flashing.

Last edited by razorloves; 02-15-2010 at 12:41 PM.
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