Originally Posted by vernox701
Only thing is this kitchen doesn't use 10 20 30 folder structure do i extract to sense engine or sense manila folder
Do not put them inside any other Manila folders.
Here is were I have mine.
\EXT\Touch_Pro\Common ( Leave the file structure as it is when un rared/unzipped )
So you would have something like
All subfolders for that should still be inside that directory.
Internet, Music, Mail, Message and so on.
It doesn't matter if the main folder says 010 020 030 or whatever.
They are numbered that way to keep them in the order they need to be to work. VGA to over write WGVA where it needs to.
If you put them in the wrong order WVGA could over write VGA and that will not work.
You can rename them to anything you want but keep in mind the order they need to be in your kitchen.
Hope that helps.