Originally Posted by abrigham
From what I've seen so far, all attempts to do simultaneous GSM/CDMA on the TP2 have failed. Since the TP2 World Phone is essentially a CDMA phone first, that network always takes precedence. The only way to get GSM when you are in a CDMA coverage area is to set the phone to GSM Only mode.
Mine sometimes defaults to my AT&T SIM after a soft reset and drives me straight up the wall whenever it does... I leave mine on GSM only now because of it.
My thoughts on WiMAX? It pains me a little.
Sprint's got a lot of money into it. That's all fine and dandy except it has problems. LTE is being picked up by almost every other single carrier. The biggest problem is its frequency. Wimax is high frequency - close to wifi, even. The HTC MAX couldn't have wimax and wifi enabled at the same time - the frequencies are too close and it caused interference. The same is going to be true for deployment here, I imagine.
High frequency also means less effective signal penetration of obstacles such as building walls when compared to the low frequencies of LTE. Flip side is that the high frequency should carry farther from the tower. Is this huge either way? No, not entirely, but it's just another unfortunate mark against wimax.
I really hope I'm missing something elementary here, though. I know they've got a lot more research into it than I do, but I see more advantages for LTE... except for WiMax is already on the ground running and LTE is a long ways out.