Originally Posted by hisandherturbo
This is SEXY!!! I would just love a couple "changes/fixes" and this could possibly be the best theme ever..........lol
Here is a screen shot of mine currently with all of your 2.1's installed
Add the neon icons to the top taskbar/curtain also to the call history and calendar and finally make the bottom selertor square see through.
I find using pegasus' completly clear installed first then a slider will give you his slider bar with a completely invisible selector. Then install the remove front icons and
notfication bubbles and you will have a sick slider bar without any distortion or selector.
It sucks if you need the slider to know where you are on the bar, but I haven't any problems. I will try to find the cabs and upload them.
I did not make any of them and can only attest to them working for me on USCC TP2 stock 6.5 manila 2.1.
They are all uninstallable but you will get an error that the did not completely uninstall. I do this about three times a day. Continue and uninstall each one. Which ever ones did not fully uninstall go into exloper, I use resco, and reinstall and then soft reset and 98% of the time they are gone. If not reinstall and and soft reset and you should be good to go.
Not the quckest but a hell of alot easier and less tme consuming of having to restore to a back up...which is what I did until someone on XDA told me about reinstalling over the uninstalled file.
If you use a slider bar that comes with a slider the selector will not be invisible and if you use the remove notfications and bubbles it will be a blank slider. This is the problem I am currently having with Cellguys slider but am sure there will be an option for it.
I notice that when installing the Pegasus complete clear today it installs C07 SenseUI2.1 Transslider Fix Mode9, I downloaded and installed that file before and it was always a wide trans slider that was skewed. With Pegasus' cab it works flawless each time. In case anyone wanted to uninstall Pegasus' Complete Clear, C07's slder wuld need t go also to get back to stock.
Thanks again Cellguy for all the hard work.