Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
Well, you can do it for free. I do not know if Verizon approves of that. You will have to wrestle with that moral question for yourself. There is a great app made by Tom Codon that will turn your phone into a wireless hotspot. So, run his app. Connect to your phone from your laptop from your wifi connections (on your computer). Surf the internet.
PS- don't plug your phone into your computer with this method.
Make sure to post your thanks to Tom if you use this.
The other method is to pay Verizon $30 more a month (which i am doing for those "moral" issues i wrestle with) to use your phone as a modem. For $30 you get 5G of data. Lame.
I think i may have seen another solution on here- but can't remember. Maybe in the "Great Tweaks etc." section.
Good luck.
Couldn't agree more. This is definitely the best app out there for doing what you want to do. And it really shows off how fast Verizon is. Downloaded a 700mb TV episode via torrents using this program and it took 1 hour.