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Old 02-14-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: Google Latitude and Touch Pro - Please help me!

Originally Posted by HTC Dave View Post
I cannot get Google Latitude to pinpoint my location. It just hangs on "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" forever.

What am I doing wrong or what am I missing?

My settings:
Google Maps Settings:
  • Menu > Options > GPS Settings = Managed by Windows
  • Menu > Options = Use GPS is enabled
Phone Settings:
  • Settings > Personal > Phone > Services > Location Settings > Location On
  • Settings > System > External GPS > Programs > GPS Program port = COM4
  • Settings > System > External GPS > Hardware > GPS hardware port = (none) & Baud rate = 4800
  • Settings > System > External GPS > Access > Manage GPS automatically = Checked (on)
That happens to me too. I usually get it working through trial and error. I change to manual, change to com4. Turn gps back on (it usually shuts it off). Let it search for a while. Sometimes finds it, sometimes not. Soft reset. Go back to google maps. let it search some more (may have to turn use gps back on again.) Go to gps settings, change back to managed by windows, back to google maps, turn use gps back on again. Then it eventually gets a lock. It's totally random and all hit or miss, but for some reason once it gets a lock, it always works from then on out. Or at least until a hard reset or flash.

Oh, and make sure you run QuickGPS before these steps.

I'm just here to help. Well, help, and flash, and flash, and flash...
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