Originally Posted by hamagc
Ok guys 6 hours and still runnnning without a dead battery (2400mah).maybe its just me but it appears that the battery meter is almost on. Its still a little flakey but its given me an idea of battery power.
Finally had a cradsh today using market. Froze then rebooteed android. I think I'm down to about 20% battery now. Ill post again once it dies.
I'm finding the battery status isn't too bad, though it does seem to jump a bit from 30-40% down to the 10% range. It can be tweaked, but I don't really know the right values, and it's close enough for me at this point. Anything under 40% and it's time to start worrying.
Originally Posted by mapaz04
Ok, dowloaded some apps to test on the system and well, as I knew, the android system will not allow you to install outside of the rom storage space, that is, no sd card installing is allowed...
My question is: will it destroy the file system is I were to expand the image file? Is there something in particular about it that the system will not allow anything more than the standard size?
If we can expand it, any special instructions that I need to take into consideration?
I don't think you can expand it, but you can make a bigger data.img file. I'm a little shocked you filled it up, but... no reason you can't make a bigger one. You'll need a linux environment, though. You could probably do it from within Android, but typing it might be a hassle. The commands in the init script to build a data.img file are as follows:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/data.img bs=1048576 count=256
mke2fs -F /sdcard/data.img
You can run these commands yourself, and just change count=256 to count=512 to make a doublewide image (and change data.img to newdata.img, or it'll complain about replacing the file you're using). I haven't done it, so I'm not actually sure it works, but I can't see any reason it wouldn't. From there, you can just replace your old data.img with the new one (rename it to data.img), and you'll start fresh with twice the space.
You can also copy all your files from the old image to the new one, but that's a bit more complicated, so I don't really want to lay it all out. If you know the commands, it shouldn't be too tough. 'mount -o loop' your new image, 'cp -a' all the files over, then reboot and replace data.img with newdata.img.
Originally Posted by xxmillertimexx
I opened pterminal (is that the terminal you were implying?) and I typed su without quotes and it had to force close. Every time I try it freezes.
pTerminal crashes when you try to su. Grab Better Terminal Emulator from the Market; it's a big improvement.
Originally Posted by boxer112
My question is it even possible to change the button assignment. I want to switch the center button and power button. So that if I press the center button. it would take me to the home screen.
I tried this, but it didn't work.I did something wrong.Has anybody tried this? Can they post their startup.tx and what kernel did you use?
It's not enabled in the kernel I've built, since it's a brand new change to the system. I'll wrap up a new kernel right now and post it on the first page. You can drop that in, and then your startup.txt change should work.
Originally Posted by B-Real206
It went through all the lines of code or whatever and now I have a black screen....still waiting. Thanks guys for the assistance. This will be fun to play with once it kicks in. About how long will I be staring at this black screen? duh the phone fell asleep.....idk
Your sd card is partitioned strangely. a normal card will say mmcblk0: p1
Yours says mmcblk0: p1 < p5 >
Which means (excessive information coming): Instead of having the sdcard partitioned as one primary partition, you have it partitioned as one logical partition within one extended partition. The long and short of it is that Android does not expect this, and since everything resides on the p5 partition instead of the p1 partition, it can't find any of the files to boot with, and it fails.
I don't know the right tool to repartition your sdcard to make sure this is fixed. I think you already tried wiping it, and it didn't clear this off. I know GParted in Ubuntu can do it, but that's a lot of work to go through. If someone can chime in with a windows sdcard formatting tool that will wipe the partition table as well, that's what you'll need.