Originally Posted by B-Real206
It went through all the lines of code or whatever and now I have a black screen....still waiting. Thanks guys for the assistance. This will be fun to play with once it kicks in. About how long will I be staring at this black screen? duh the phone fell asleep.....idk
If you didnt have hardware acceleration turned on, it will have a black screen for a while, forgot about that. If you ran a 3d program like the carousel in mobile shell or the diamond hologram program or whatever, then you have the nice multi-colored X animation. Either way, the first time you run it, it will take up to 15 minutes to setup everything. Just give it time.
Hmm, your hardware keyboard might be different since we are on different carriers. On mine there is a icon of the phone with a couple rings around the bottom of it on the left arrow. Pressing those from the main android home screen changes it to look like all the code that was going through before the X appeared. Pressing again goes back to the home screen. I just played around with pterminal some and figured out it doesn't like su, and ifconfig will not run without it. You can try netcfg instead and see what it has for the ppp0 entry.