I have the insurance becuase yeah its an expensive phone and im rough on them, however had 2 TP1's for a year with no problems (mine and wives)
Now onto new or refurb,
I got 2 news from a swap up, and the vol up botton stoped working got nib,
The wife got a swap up, and got a refurb (about 2-3 months later then mine)
Originally Posted by lazydazed
LOLOLOLOLOL....Thats the funniest thing i read all day...
lemme ask you a question, do you make phone calls and text people, and maybe even every so often go on the web?
if you answered yes to ANY part of that, you're too rough on HTC phones and you'll have atleast 4 replacements this year... do yourself a favor and pay the $7 a month cause in the long run 599.99 is alot of money w/o insurance...
sorry i got off topic... youre getting a refurb or maybe if you're lucky a NIB