Originally Posted by sec1rxg
I had the same issue you did with ROM FEB_10 / Cookie moster, actually its not a bad MOD, the WM build might have somthing to do with it. Here's what I did, I flashed Feb 04 23519 with a 26MB Page Pool from 22MB (battery life is way better) and then added Cookie Monster v. 1.5.4 after I had Sashimi do its thing. I added: Tsowen taskbar, sprint keyboard fix and the white flip clock, and all seems to runnning fine. Waiting for 2012 in the meantime.
Anybody have an opinion if 2/4 vs. 2/7 23519 (standard) is more stable than the other?
I have the 2/1 and 2/7 but not the 2/4...