Originally Posted by Sarge, USMC
I'm reading thru the help file with the program running..........I found that it ain't enough to clik the checkbox, you have to actually clik on the text next to the box to open it's dialog for editing.....THAT tool me 10 min to figure out!!! heheheheh
Looks good in theory, but it's too much for me right now...........I need to play with it. Can I "build" an OEM and then edit it later or would I always need to start from scratch?
You can build a personal OEM, and because it is mostly reg changes you can edit the .rgu file directly without going through the OEMizer. This does assume you have a working understanding of a Windows registry and know how to manipulate it. Its a good learning experience for newbies but I would also use us as sounding boards before you go flipping your registry around. It could screw the phone and cause you to hard reset.
A great tool to obtain to help in this is called Registry Workshop. It allows you to edit your phones registry from your PC, thru a usb connection. It also allows you to compare a registry, both pre and post change. Its invaluable as I made customizations to my phone.