Originally Posted by Asphyx
Well when I got my TP it cost about $300....My company bought it so I didn't care but I would have gotten something cheaper at the time if I was paying....
Two years later the TP is going for $100 with a contract and for FREE at Radio Shack at one time...
By the time WinMo7 comes out you will get a TP2 or maybe even better than that for $100 when you renew your contract...
Maybe even less!!!!
Cause I expect WinMo7 will take awhile to be released and by that time I expect to see units like the TP being offerred for free with a re-up of contract. The entire industry is moving towards the PDA device as the standard.
Ewwww, you gave me the shivers talking about a "contract". I don't do contracts, those are used by rip off carriers. I find the way you were referring to the phone being "free" to be amusing. No, its not even CLOSE to free. You may not pay up front, but trust me, you are absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, paying for it.