Which ROM? - BuildOS ROM WM 6.5.5 28014, MightyROM WM 6.5.0 21890, or other.
I've been using my HTC Mogul (aka Titan, PPC-6800) and I just bought the HTC Touch Pro 2 for myself, after getting one for my wife earlier. I left her phone with the stock Sprint OEM ROM with TouchFlo 3D manager because I want it to be reliable for her.
My old HTC Mogul is using the latest available Windows Mobile 6.5.5 Professional build 28014 with HTC Home manager and I've been using it for a few weeks and it's a bit buggy. When typing a new SMS sometimes randomly the Send button switches to Reply To All and if you click it you lose the message you typed. Also the phone likes to freeze when syncing with Windows 7 Mobile Device Center.
BuildOS Obsolete and Problematic?
Now that I have my own HTC Touch Pro 2 I'm not sure what I want to do. I always thought that the latest released build in the PPCKitchen BuildOS like the 28014 that I've been using would be the best but it isn't. I'm also a little upset that many of the packages in BuildOS are way old (2007), duplicated with different obsolete versions, and no longer updated so I'm not so keen on using that very much since it's a little outdated and hasn't been improved much internally anymore except for always having the latest OS builds available. I've always had to cook my own ROM with BuildOS and then deal with all the file replacement issues with incompatible packages dropping different .NET framework version files overwriting each other in the Windows folders.
Is MightyROM The Best?
As a test I installed the latest MightyROM 2010-02-10 that was just released with Windows Mobile 6.5.0 Build 21890 with Manilla 2.1 and it seems alright but I haven't used the phone at all. The install was a piece of cake and it looks to be very well put together and easy to install without any fluff. How's stability and performance?
What about Sprint OEM Stock ROM?
My wife has been using the stock ROM and it's been working well for her, only one or two hard lock-ups in all this time she's been going heavy with navigation, messaging, e-mail, browsing, and phone calls. She's a super heavy phone user where as I am very light user.
What ROM To Use?
Are there any other well designed and stable with relatively recent OS builds ROMs out there? There are just too many ROM options in the CDMA ROM subforum here to try and spend time on. Any suggestions?
What Home Screen Manager to replace HTC Home?
There are so many out there TouchFlo 3D, HTC Sense, Manilla, Titanium, SBP Mobile Shell. What to use?
I've used and love HTC Home and now I'm looking for a replacement, any suggestions on something good and preferably with all the info I need on the front Home page?