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Old 02-13-2010, 02:35 AM
deejaypapa's Avatar
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HTC Fuze, Device Manager, WMDC, HELP!!!

Well, this all starts with me getting my HTC Fuze a few days ago. Got my phone, hooked it up to my WIN7 laptop, and BAM, it automatically downloaded 4 different drivers for my phone and installed WMDC and I was up and running. Synced perfectly with WMDC as well as WMP and worked perfectly with windows explorer. I was able to copy/paste anything from my computer directly to my Fuze. In windows explorer and in device manager, it would recognize my phone as P4600.

I should mention this phone was bought as a refurb off ebay. Anyways, i was playing around with different skins for TouchFlo when i realized that the phone still had quite a few files on it from the previous owner. SO...I decided to do a hard reset on the phone, figured what the heck, can only work better with a completely fresh start.

Boy was I wrong. After the hard reset, my computer would recognize my phone and sync with it but it wouldnt let me put anything on the phone through windows explorer. It would say something along the lines of the device stopped responding or was disconnected. SO, immediately I knew to check whether advanced network functionality was enabled and it wasnt. I couldnt really find much of anything on the internet that was specific to my "stopped responding/disconnected" error message.

So I did more research and found there were numerous threads started with similar problems to mine. Since then, I've tried everything. I have:

Tried different USB cords
Soft reset while connected to the computer
Uninstalled and reinstalled WMDC, with and without restarts, in every possible order
Tried installing WMDC twice without uninstalling first
Ran windows update as well as had windows look for updated drivers
Uninstalled and reinstalled WMDC while also uninstalling and reinstalling every driver associated with the phone, in every possible combination
Did a system restore on my pc back to before I even bought the phone and then tried all of the previous steps AGAIN
I've even went as far as to delete the contents of my windows temp directory and my users/temp directory

but to NO still wont work.

So this is where Im at, my computer no longer recognizes my phone. When it was working properly, and even halfway properly, my phone would be listed under a "mobile devices" tab in my device manager. It would also have a driver listed under network adapters and i think it would have one under system devices. All of the drivers it used to list seemed to be fairly device-specific.

To sum it all up, my computer now refuses to download the drivers that it used to use, it refuses to see my phone as anything other than PocketPC USBSync under the "mobile devices" tab. It will not work and it all started when I did a hard reset. Ive come to believe that this is a result of too many uninstalls/reinstalls as the computer wont even try to download the correct drivers. If I uninstall everything (WMDC and all CURRENTLY associated drivers) and then try to start over, it will go through its whole schpeel and download drivers, but theyre never the original drivers it got the first time. Its almost as if the computer got used to those drivers not working so it wont even try them anymore. Idk what to do, but maybe somebody on here knows more about computers than I do. Is there a way to make your computer "forget" what drivers it has had in the past, or is there maybe another way around this that Im not seeing? Any help or advice that anyone could offer would be GREATLY appreciated.
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