Originally Posted by davejet
You do not need the sprint sim card for cdma only for gsm.
You can make voice calls on the cdma but it is 1.99 a minute.
I strictly used the CDMA which does not use the sprint sim card.
goto to phone options select network tab select cdma only and then goto cdma services select roaming and select automatic
The best thing to do for Punta Cana is call sprint international and activate the international data plan for the number of days you are going to be there.
Download skype for your touch pro2 and buy skpe credit to call a phone or get the person you are trying to call to also download skpe. My girlfriend has skype on your touchpro 2 so she knows once I get to Punta Cana to turn on skpe on her cell phone and leave it on I do the same we can then call each other for Free.
It sounds great if you use either a bluetooth headset or a wired headset otherwise the feedback makes it totally useless.
U can also text direct to another skype for free so we can talk and skpe for free.
Your other option is to goto the villiage ask any driver and buy a sim card for Orange and you can use that to make calls.
I had great calls with skpe and I bet as good as using a sim card
Your girlfriend lets you go to the D.R. without her? You are the man!