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Old 01-07-2008, 01:19 AM
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No More LED's Please

I have searched everywhere I know to, and haven't found an answer to this. I am trying to completely turn off all the led lights on my Mogul all the time. I tried LED Killer 3.1, but it doesn't stop the blue led and it turns back on for charging. I also tried Hermled but it seems to stop working as soon as I turn the phone off (press the button on the side, I think that might be called sleep sorry I'm still working on my terminology). I just want the lights to never come on, no matter what. I have read several posts that say Hermled does just that for the Mogul, but I use it with g, b, and r and as soon as I press the power button the green light starts flashing again.

Please help if you can,

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