Originally Posted by GatorsUF
the screen calibration is still all messed up for me. I downloaded the files on the first post on 2/11. I believe everything is set to work and I didn't have to modify anything correct? The eclair.user.conf does NOT have .txt after it so that is good. What is the problem?
I can't even tap the Android on the first setup screen. If I click the lower right quadrant of the scree, it clicks the lower left button (emergency dial) and vise versa. Very strange...
Don't use a custom eclair.user.conf use the one in the package. If there is a file called ts_calibration or something in your SD root delete it and then it will ask you to recalibrate your screen. it should be good to go there. if not replace the rootfs.img from the complete package as well as the eclair.user.conf