Originally Posted by enzyme
As far as I know neither of your 20quicklinks come standalone right? If you have them I would be happy to use them. Only if it is convenient for you, I think I can still live with the 16.
A week or two I asked if there was a way to keep the (stealth) slider open for a longer period of time before it goes back into stealth mode. I think you said you have a solution but will get back on it. Any news on that yet bro?
This was asked in the other thread as well.
Here was my response and the askers response to mine.
Originally Posted by santod
No, it's not just a simple reg. entry.
You would need to decompile my script and change the highlighted line, in this small section of it.
Then recompile, convert back, reinstall:
OnTabButtonRelease = function(l_55_0, l_55_1)
Landscape_up_btn_group._visible = false
HitMask._visible = true
if not _tptabTimer then
_tptabTimer = timer(2)
ummm.....ok......I can live with it! LOL!