Originally Posted by unknown_g
Ok. I went ahead and backup'd my Sprint Touch. I restored only my contacts and tried the default SMS that comes with the touch; it indeed showed one name and as your scroll down you get more that match the letter that you entered. Then I installed touchpal and tried typing the first letter using the default SMS and nothing. I tried 3-4 letters nothing. I then installed Palm threaded SMS that I use and tried to fill the To: field and it works on the first letter!! So this leads me to believe that the Touchpal has something wrong with the default SMS that comes with the Sprint Touch, but works if you are using the Palm threaded SMS.
Good thing you're not a car mechanic (I hope). If someone called you with an engine problem would you disassemble your car to trouble shoot it?
It wasn't even MY issue but I still gotta say THANKS for your effort! Wow.