Originally Posted by mapaz04
Hey, I was messing with some settings and somehow I have google location working. GPS is working!!!
I don't know if it will help in development for you to get my files but send me a message and ill senddddddd u what u need.. this way, all missing is the bluetooth my people!
Soo sorry but I don't know what file from where but it working, developers, lemme know so u can incorporate to your next release.
GO DROID DEVS ON TP!!! Can't wait when we can dualboot the phone at startuo (crossing fingers on that)
Yeah it was working on a few builds back but stopped recently. I have had no luck in even geo-loaction.
While im posting does anyone else have times when any of the physical keys on the front of the phone don't work? The only way i've gotten them to work again was to let it go to sleep and wake back up with the home (power) button. And I still can't get wifi to work. Maybe my rootfs is out of date?