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Old 02-12-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Feb 10 2010

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Hey bro.
Glad you finally got a chance to drop in.
Odd you had issues with it.
You did do the dance?
It should have worked without issue.
If you do flash again let me know how it goes.

Nice to see you back from the dead.
Snowing here right now.
...yea, the install issues were minor. I ran into freezes along the way and needed to soft reset to progress through the install [one freeze at the align screen, one freeze during customization, and one during sashimi - but the sashimi could have been noob error on my part].

I did do the dance, but who knows? I wouldn't be concerned...I'm positive it's nothing with the ROM or other users would have reported it. ...and again, soft resets got me back on track every time. I'll def hit you up if I flash again and notice the same, but I really think it was just my device glitching.

The ROM has been solid all week - nothing of note to report out of the ordinary. I dig the threaded email and appreciate that texting works without issue. Lots of cool apps pre-loaded.

Definitely the stable ROM I need right now that things have been so busy.

...I'll try and keep my presence up as I continue tracking your progress. I miss all y'all noobs. Could probably put together a one page Guide for this:

Step 1...flash.
Step 2...conquer.

Hey with this right now:
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