Originally Posted by ThreeFaces
...what ROM could wake the dead?
Great work, ROOT! Virginia got slammed with snow - the government has been closed all week - so I found some time to get my flash dance on. I had a few hiccups on the install side of things [nothing serious - was able to get through everything with a few soft resets], but once I was operational everything was goldy and has been running smooth all week.
I chose the Max/Dark Combo ROM. I didn't have luck "activating" the Max Manila Mod, but that could have been a glitch on my device [didn't really want to flash dance again or hard reset to test]. It uninstalled without an issue, so I've been running on "Dusk" mode. I really only use Max Manila for multiple agenda items on the home page, so it's not a big loss.
...anyway, just wanted to drop in quick and throw some high fives for your efforts!
Hope you dudes are all thrashing!
Hey bro.
Glad you finally got a chance to drop in.
Odd you had issues with it.
You did do the dance?
It should have worked without issue.
If you do flash again let me know how it goes.
Nice to see you back from the dead.
Snowing here right now.