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Old 02-12-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: Got my Nexus One Today!

Did anyone have issues with the screen alignment being way off at times? I had to restart my phone to get it working right. Also, the update didn't do much for me, it seemed to make the phone worse, I was constantly having dropped calls.

Anyways, I switched to iPhone 3GS and ATT, all I can say is that ATT is WAY better than the T-Mobile, I get full 3G bars at work and home while T-MO only had 3G when I was outside. Also, the DL speed from ATT is a little over 2.2 MB's while T-Mobile is getting 563 K. If I were you guys, I'd wait for the Nexus to hit ATT instead of sticking to T-Mo.
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