2.5 flashed on phone, files extracted and finished listening to the PPCGeeks Podcast. Gotta take the dog out, eat something, take a shit and then crunch time. ETA is midnight CST. v1.0 for 2.5 will be the new v2.0 style I planned to release for 2.1! So I am giving you 2.5 *****s first crack at it! Then I will do a v1.0 style in case anyone wants it, a clock and a few other mods in the whee hours of the morning. Then I can go back to 2.1 and not go back to 2.5 for a while.
Also, in light of getting more traffic on this thread thanks to mr D/\SH from smartphonejunkies.com, I will be working hard the next two days to get my first full 2.1 theme out. Thanks to a few changes to my work schedule, I can finally get this done. Oh yeah, and somewhere in here I have to find time to spend with my wife. Maybe I'll buy her a TP2 to keep her busy while I work