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Old 02-11-2010, 11:06 PM
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Re: Manila Sense 2.1 / 2.5 *Updated Feb 3, 2010*

Originally Posted by slumpey326 View Post
"Example: only install 2.52011 tweaks on 2.5201, only install 2.1 tweaks on 2.1 and only install 2.0 tweaks on 2.0. Installing incompatible tweaks will more than likely break the interface and you will be headed for another hard reset!"

Which tweaks should we only install to maximum performance on the Imagio
That is actually meant for appearance tweaks. As far as performance, I only install the cabs on the first post and speedbooster (which I think is more of a placebo than anything, but it makes me feel better!) and it runs really well. Most of the performance tweaks from 2.0 won't do anything, somebody correct me if they have something that does work. Example the res proxy and other memory saving cabs will not work on 2.5 as the settings will get overwritten after a soft reset.
ROM: Teya 2.0.2 [21690]
Sense: 2.5.2021 CHT 2.0.0

Other: Sense 2.5.2019 in a Cab
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