Re: better audio sound thru headphones?
I use wav in 192 bit rate and mp3 on the 16 gig card at 320 bit rate, sound qualtity on the mp3 is only slightly better. Sorry to say but the TP1 does sound better through the headset, I have tried $10 headphones to $80 dollar headphones (the ones I use now) and even with the expensive ones I had to go through the same reg edits over and over for 30 mins. untill it sounded decent, in both wmplayer and audio manager. But again, I am very musically inclined, so may be pickier than the average TP2 user. Here are registry entries to look at and play with:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Phone
"VOL"=dword:default is 24241, I set it to 76241
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound Categories
"InCall"=dword:"Attentuation Category" set a value that suits you
"InCall"=dword:"InitVol" set avalue that suits you
(these same regestry settings are found with InCall2 and InCall3)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CControl Panel\Sound Categories\
"InCallFeedback" set a value that suits you
"Audio Booster" I just played around with these settings already in the registry till I got a decent sound, then went to actual equalizer and played there somemore
"DB Scalar"=dword: default value is 200, I have it at 202
The two main downers on the TP2 is the audio and camera flash lens. Hope these help you.