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Old 02-11-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: MP6900SP with GPS

Originally Posted by javb_vb View Post
I've read some forums, I've a MP6900ps it was from sprint but i take to mexico some unlock it and actived it with unefon mexico, so if I want to active the GPS i've to update the firmaware right? when the phone is allready flashed I've to take it to unfen for active it again? or how it works?
As for the unlocking and updating check your radio version if it is 3.##.## then you have a GPS enabled radio. Then you do not need to upgrade radios. Now if you want just stand alone GPS search this website for stand alone GPS, if you want assisted GPS you will need other programs like QPST, drivers and the carrier setting for their towers. Now for flashing ROMS and radios they do not affect your epst setting so if you are already active on their network you should remain so. But again that would be a question best asked to the service provider.