Originally Posted by kwolford
I took advantage of Sprints 'loophole' they created by sending out a postcard stating that they were adding additional charges to accounts as of January 1st and was able to jump ship without early termination. Good thing, because I really wanted the touch and although the data plan pricing isn't as good as Sprint, the phone is amazing. I was an HTC Apache user for the last 3 years and was always so close to having it all in one device after registry tweaks and flashing roms. Now, with my Touch and getting the internal GPS to work with my Garmin Mobile XT as well as the true bluetooth 2.0 and my stereo headset....I am in heaven. I worked for McCaw in the early nineties, then Cellular One and then AT&T and wouldn't have believed that true 'convergence' of technoligies would have ever come this far. My first phone was a Motorola D-series brick phone.
Who else has left Sprint for this amazing phone?
I'm deeply confused here, Sprint has the Touch, a more powerful one than anyone else at that.
Did you mean to say you left for the Kaiser/Tilt?