Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79
ok if i go t phone settings under voicemail it shows *86p1234, and if i go in registry... well you seen screenshot . sorry I'm confused.
Your screenshot looks good, so I'll offer a couple of suggestions (try them in this order)
1) Make sure you did a soft reset after making the change. Test again
2) Add a dword to the same directory called 'RegOverridesSIM' and set it to a value of 1. Soft reset. Test again
3) Try adding a second letter 'p' right after the other one in that edit. It stands for 'pause' and tells the phone to pause for a few seconds before dialing the password, thereby giving it time to connect the phone call. But if your call is taking a little longer to connect then your phone needs that second 'p' to tell it to wait a little longer