Originally Posted by mlin
I can appreciate where HD is coming from. The Vogue is an awesome device, one of my favorite WM devices I've ever owned for the following reasons: great battery life, expandable storage, perfect size, solid build, grippy rubber back cover, only WM device to date to receive a full Android port, and so on... Unfortunately mine was replaced with a Diamond early last year and I have since purchased a TP2. However, I'd love to get my hands on another Vogue and am now looking into buying one. If anyone has one to sell, shoot me a PM!
Sorry for your loss Horn, I know how much you liked that phone.
im not dissing the vogue as i owned two of them and loved it. the problem with the android port is, now no one will buy a real android device, lol. seriously though it's a shame the touch2 never came to the US. could of been a great upgrade for these guys.