Ok so i did some reasearch(very little) and since version 18 works quite well with the treo the regular version. the only downside was the messaging and the annoying keyboard blocking the input box i looked and founded
http://personales.ya.com/beemer/prod03.htmthe link to the nullkeyboard which once selected as the default keyboard will prevent it from popping up. allows use to use the faster version 18 with the treo almost flawlessly...
Install the attached t keyboard file by placing somewhere on ur ur treo and run the cab file.
Go to INPUT within your treo settings and select
nullkb as ur main keyboard.
Install pocketcm 18 cab file
Soft reset ur phone
Now when you open you contacts and go to ur sms thread messages no keyboard should pop up and you will be able to write ur message using ur treo keys... GREATTTTTT