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Old 02-10-2010, 06:53 PM
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Edits I've found

I'm just going to start a list of edits I find as I read posts along the way:

No more annoying beeps and the volume changes quicker
within each of these keys the default 'Script' value is 'p' for 'play'...
Change the 'Script' value to blank (erase the 'p')

HKCU\system\state\Messages\mms\Unread and set Count 0  - 
(for when you don't have any unread texts, but the notification shows 
up anyways.... this was posted by Flyers2114 on MightyMike's Official 
ROM pg., post #18097)

For changing Start Menu program folder icons 
HKLM/Security/Shell/StartInfo/Start/   .......and within that registry key you can navigate around to the shortcut registry key you want to edit.
(I.e. if you wanted to edit something in the "Internet" folder like "IM+" 
you would go to: HKLM/Security/Shell/StartInfo/Start/Internet/IM+.lnk 
then within IM+.lnk you would create a new STRING value and name it 
"Icon" for the value you would put the location of the icon image. I 
usually just put the icon image into the folder in "Program Files" 
associated with the program, so the value would look like 
this: \Program Files\IM+\MM_IMPlus.png.......posted by Japper88 
on MM Official ROM pg., post #17805

Using the Zoom Bar as a Semi-Scrollbar
"OnlySupportRegisterApp = 1"   Change this to 0 and it will work in every app. *Posted by Bxsteez over at XDA.

Last edited by Tink; 02-17-2010 at 05:46 PM. Reason: Adding Reg Edit
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