Originally Posted by notrock
Imagine having a phone that never locks up. That doesn't get hot enough to cook an egg. That has a browser 10 times better then opera. That has real email NO FREAKING SIDE SCROLLING. That has a truly finger friendly screen. I use my Touch Pro now and then to keep up with things in the WM world and it just feels like I'm using it with swollen thumbs.
I do sometimes miss the thrill of cooking flashing and relentless tweaks. But you still do all this with the hero, the thing is you do really have to for an enjoyable experience.
Originally Posted by kbussen
When I had my diamond, it was quite honestly an addiction. Like a crack head twitching for his next fix, i was twitching for my next flash. Why? Because of the law of dimenishing returns. I would flash/smoke crack, get the feeling the thing was flying as fast as a nexus 1 and then BAM! My high would wear off and I would realize that in fact, it hadnt gotten better at all and that I was fooled by the feeling of my first time flashing. Went to the Hero. Guess what? I was dissappointed at first that I wasnt flashing/smoking crack as often as I was with my diamond. My first impression, WTH, THIS PHONE WORKS...IM PISSED!!! I eventually listened to myself, performed a personal intervention and realized, Wow, I love this phone.
LOL! YES! I know exactly what you are both talking about! It'll be nice for my wife to see me not glued to a virtual kitchen for a change... of course this means I may wind up in the real kitchen more often.
I ordered it online this afternoon. It should be here by Monday. I actually went to the store but Cell South wanted to make me turn in my Diamond in order to upgrade!
So I politely said that they were crazy if they thought I was just going to GIVE them a phone I paid $400 for only a year ago. For whatever reason ordering online and shipping to your house doesnt require a phone trade.