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Old 02-10-2010, 04:00 AM
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Re: sprint nav and tv problems...

Originally Posted by AlreadyKnown View Post
i was wondering if anybody could help...on sprint tv it plays the audio but no video shows...and on the navigation it wont let me keeps sayin it cant connect...anybody have any suggestions???
I had this issue with telenav for about a day after I flashed to NRGS28 Feb 4th 2011 Build. Based on your issue Im assuming your on a custom rom, so go to the settings TAB and make sure HTC location service is on, additionaly go into your start menu and make sure you have all your GPS settings activated and set to your precrence.

Also there are about two diffrent Telenav cabs floating around so if that doesnt work try another cab. I have 2 totaly diffrent ones sometimes one works on a rom and sometimes the other doesnt so I switch it up. Good luck
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