This rom contains software that is shareware and carries a 14 day trial.
I assume you have the appropriate registration codes to run this rom past that trial...
Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...
(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)
Rom Download Links:
WindowsMobile v6.5 21893
(build release post # - Updated 3/6/09)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen v1.6)
(Generic, Sprint, Telus, US Cellular, and Verizon Carrier Versions)
WindowsMobile v6.5.5 23541
(build release post # - Updated 3/6/09)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen v1.6)
(Generic, Sprint, Telus, US Cellular, and Verizon Carrier Versions)
Here is what's inside my Touch Pro Rom Series:
My Stuff/Additions
"Google Translator"="1_4"
Note: There are a lot more applications not listed inside!
Updated 2/18/2010
Calkulins Kitchen Stuff
Updated 2/18/2010
Misc Rom Notes:
- This post isn't gonna be pretty atm, but the Rom is solid! Not bad for only having half-a-brain!
See Post #2 for ChangeLog...
Older Version Archive:
rstg_tp2_21893G_MS353_04 rstg_tp2_23541G_MS353_04
If you enjoy my work...
Donate! Appreciated, not required.