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Old 02-09-2010, 11:00 PM
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Arrow Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/29

Originally Posted by OMJ
what do I think? I think I will leave everything the way it is, I think I will leave in the ROM what I want, I think I will update post #1 when I'm good &'s that? dont like it, go cook your own
OMJ, again it is a great job what you had been doing, Sincerely Thanks, many Thanks.
Sorry If I push to much, uppss. It was just my personal opinion (idea like a Wish list) but guess you have the last word and that word is fine for me, of course.
Anyway Thanks for your works, and I will be waiting for your next release (as always) who makes our Diamonds CDMA a great phone for everyone =D> .
Sorry , still pals???

Originally Posted by gators2kt View Post
On another note, I was wondering if anyone else was having an issue with the latest update (1/29) freezing while viewing pictures in the album. Also, are the pictures only viewable as lancscape and not portrait?
Gators2kt, I'm not an expert, but in Sense 2.5 WM 6.5.3 v1.4 I have the same issues: the first two days I use album/photo (I have to took off the battery everytime) it Freeze, but then never happend again until new photos taken
. I have read from the folks from they POST a tutorial
for totaly replace the HTC ALBUM with RESCO PHOTO MANAGER beta
you can read the tutorial here

Originally Posted by vansmack View Post
...... Storage Memory is Critically Low. If the storage memory is not increased, other programs may not be able to start .... I've done my usual routine (Exchange account, MSN account, Facebook, Twitter, Windows Marketplace) and that's it. I usually also install the Beta of Office 2010 .....

Vansmack, My suggestion will be :
1.- try to avoid MS Windows Market, they install everything to the MAIN MEMORY. I know it will be obviuosly more hard to google the program from MS W Market outside but give a try (try torrent).
2.- Install Facebook in the internal storage (use direct facebook download cab), anyway sooner it will be an update for windows facebook, I read somewhere. Same with Twitter client, Google Maps, Windows Live, etc ,etc.
3.- Install Opera and change the default folder from where everythng is storage to the Internal folder Storage.
4.- Check that your "messaging" Outlook, MSN, and any other mail service storage your mails/attachement/etc in the "Internal Storage".
5.- Install Office 2010 in the Internal Storage

Originally Posted by gators2kt View Post
Sorry I forgot one more thing. Is there a way to end progams without opening up the task manager. For all the programs that don't have an "X" to close them out I usually have to open the task manager otherwise they'll keep running and use up the memory.
Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
Do you know about the mini task manager in the upper right when you click on the clock?
Manekineko, I guess is a BUG but when I press the clock "it FLASH for one second" the mini task manager and then it disappear, I guess that is why OMJ include the regular "task manager" shorcut in the "Start menu windows"
Anyone know a better solution??? (thanks in advance)

I don't remenber who ask it,
but when you use "CleanRam" in a higher level than "1", you have to "Softreset" to NOT have problem with dialers buttons and other visual stuff desconfigurations.
I read it here, I guess, but can't remmenber where.

Last edited by Sabroso; 02-15-2010 at 08:41 PM. Reason: fix link, add new link
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